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Main » 2012 » November » 19 » What Kind of Fruit and Oil Is Best for Healthy Hair?
10:54 AM
What Kind of Fruit and Oil Is Best for Healthy Hair?

Many people are achieving for healthy and shinny hair. They tried many kinds of methods to get it.What you eat can bring luster and strength back to your tresses. A balanced diet filled with so-called superfoods like certain fruits and oils treat your hair from the inside out.

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The omega-3 fatty acids in eggs, walnuts, and fatty fish like salmon help make hair shiny. These oils can also be obtained through some vegetable oils or flaxseed -- or flaxseed oil, but are found in higher amounts in oily fish and eggs. The protein in these foods also helps hair grow strong and healthy. Also found in eggs are B12 and biotin, both of which are essential for healthy skin, nails, and hair.

Vitamin C Fruits
Fruits high in vitamin C, such as oranges, peaches, pineapples, strawberries, and kiwi – help maintain healthy hair. Diets deficient in vitamin C can lead to dry or brittle hair. The antioxidants in these fruits also fight against free-radical damage from the environment to protect your hair against pollutants. Make sure to eat lots of fruits high in vitamin C. You can also apply the juices of these fruits directly to your hair by mixing it into your shampoo. Use the juice peaches, strawberries, or kiwis – or a mix of all three – and add it to your shampoo and use as normal. Only do this in small amounts to make sure the contents are fresh at all times.

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